Henry Glickel
603-770-7175 | Schedule time with me

Sales Recruiters Collaborates to Offer High School Students Virtual Job Interview Competition

Sales Recruiters was proud to collaborate with the Greater Salem Chamber of Commerce and Salem High School to provide students a real-life interview experience. Read on to learn how we're helping equip the next generation to interview well and become top job candidates!  

Each year, our senior students have the opportunity to compete in a mock interview challenge sponsored by the Greater Salem Chamber of Commerce. It is a three round competition which eventually narrows down to first and second place. Given the current situation, this year’s event was cut short after the first round, leaving six finalists without the opportunity to prove their skills.

I reached out to one of our go-to community connections, Henry Glickel, to see if he may be able to help us finish the competition virtually. He graciously accepted and went above and beyond to not only provide meaningful interviews for each of the six students, but also provided invaluable feedback on their resumes, communication, professionalism, and interviewing skills in general.

For our students, this was no easy task to complete what was most likely their first experience with a virtual interview, nonetheless with a professional recruiter. Each of the six finalists will receive a prize and recognition for their participation and accomplishments.

These students now have the advantage of experiencing a virtual interview, having their resume and interview skills critiqued by a master interviewer, as well as building their network – one of the students already connected with Henry on LinkedIn (unprompted too)!

Henry made it possible to offer these students an opportunity they would not have had otherwise. With so many milestone events being cancelled for our seniors, being given the chance to finish out an event like this was a true gift. 

- Stacey Kallelis, Work Based Learning Coordinator at Salem High School


Henry Glickel
603-770-7175 | Schedule time with me

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